Story Time with Darcie

S2E2: Frankie and Freddie Froggie's Fabulous Ferry

Darcie T. Kelly with guest voices Allison Moro, Desmond Branscombe, and Nikolas Yuen Season 2 Episode 2

Hi, I’m Darcie T. Kelly and this is Story Time with Darcie! In every episode, you hear a piece of my own short fiction. I’m an eclectic writer, so you may be surprised by the genres and situations, but what these stories have in common is their exploration of big ideas. 

In February last year, we read Heart DisEase as Valentine’s Day called for a romance, but more importantly in honour of Organ Donation Month. If you haven’t signed your donor card, please, consider doing so today and while you’re at it, schedule a blood donation appointment. The past year has shown how inter-woven we are as a human species. Instead of spreading fear and disease, let’s spread love and health.

This February, I’ve chosen to look at love in a different way, with the fable Frankie and Freddie Froggie’s Fabulous Ferry.

Please join me in welcoming our three guest voices today. Allison Moro is a listener turned guest! She loves teaching and public speaking, and I was delighted when she reached out with interest in becoming a voice on the pod! Desmond Branscombe also joins us today. The Branscombe name should be familiar now as Desmond is the forth kid by that name to lend his voice to one of my stories. I love my nieces and nephews! Our final guest today is the always wonderful Nikolas Yuen who takes on not one, but two character voices. If you’re a new listener, Nik is a regular guest voice here. Check out October 2020’s Diary of a Deadman or last month’s The Value of a Journey to hear more of his work.

The only content warning today is some poorly performed tongue twisters. I hope you find my stumbles trigger nothing more than light mirth.  

Frankie and Freddie Froggie’s Fabulous Ferry is the first fable I’ve written. The challenge it was written for assigned a comedy and after a few false starts, this fable is what came out. I enjoyed the freedom to build exaggerated characters to tell the story. Which character did you most relate to?

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Story Time with Darcie. If you have, please, help me keep the podcast going by sharing it! Leave a five-star rating on Apple podcasts, write a review, or give us a shout out on social media to help more people find us. If a friend is looking for something new to listen to, suggest Story Time with Darcie. If an episode make you think of someone in particular, send it their way! Every time you share it makes a difference!

Thank you, Allison, Desmond, and Nikolas for joining me today! 

If you, dear listener, would like to become a voice on Story Time with Darcie, please, reach out! My eclectic stories need a variety of voices, and yours will be a welcome addition!

Thank you for listening. To read more of my stories and perhaps inspire my next one, check out my website: and join me on facebook @DarcieTKelly. If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of Musings: A Collection of Short Stories, get in touch through the facebook page or email me (you can find my email address in the episode notes). And please, subscribe on your podcatcher of choice for future episodes of Story Time With Darcie

Until next month, stay well, and keep smiling.

Direct Link to text version of Frankie and Freddie Froggie's Fabulous Ferry.