Story Time with Darcie

Bonus Episode 2: The Best of (the rest of) 2020

Darcie T. Kelly with guest voice Amber Campbell and Nikolas Yuen Season 1

Hi. I’m Darcie T. Kelly and this is a bonus episode of Story Time with Darcie. Regularly, episodes are released on the first Thursday of the month with a reading of my own eclectic short fiction. But this isn’t a regular episode.

Like Bonus Episode 1 in July, there will still be a story, two in fact. Stories I am sure you will enjoy because this is, after all, The Best of (the rest of) 2020

Today’s first story is the Fan Favourite from July 2020 through December 2020. However, by all measures and counts, the fan favourite is Grace’s Christmas Concert (a great story and I can’t say I’m surprised it’s the winner), and since it is now the middle of January, a classic Christmas story just doesn’t seem appropriate. So, we’re going to revisit the second place Fan Favourite, September: Singular Needs. 

My thanks again to Amber Campbell and the Text to Voice App for bringing voice to the two characters in this story.


I had forgotten how much I enjoy that story! 

To round out our first Bonus Episode, it’s time to revisit my favourite story from the latter half of 2020. With so many options including Fulfillment Office, A Brief (Fictional) History of Communication (with Fratricide), and Godly Musings over Triple Espresso, I was surprised it was an easy choice to pick Diary of a Deadman: Birth of a Poltergeist

Thank you, Nikolas Yuen, for voicing this story. Between your amazing performance and the soundscaping, this story hits all the emotional notes for me. 



Well, that’s it for today’s Bonus Episode of Story Time with Darcie. Special thanks to all the guests who participated in adapting these stories to audio format! This podcast wouldn’t exist with guest participation.

If you would like to become a voice on Story Time with Darcie, please, reach out! My eclectic stories need a variety of voices, and yours will be a welcome addition!

Thank you for listening. To read more of my stories and perhaps inspire my next one, check out my website: and join me on facebook @DarcieTKelly. If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of Musings: A Collection of Short Stories, get in touch through the facebook page or email me (you can find my email address in the episode notes). And please, subscribe on your podcatcher of choice for future episodes of Story Time with Darcie

Until next month, stay well, and keep smiling.

Direct Link to text version of Singular Needs by Darcie T. Kelly.
Direct Link to original Story Time With Darcie episode featuring Singular Needs.

Direct link to text version of Diary of a Dead Man: Birth of a Poltergeist by Darcie T. Kelly.
Direct Link to original Story Time With Darcie episode featuring Diary of a Dead Man: Birth of a Poltergeist.