Story Time with Darcie

Episode 7: Fulfillment Office

Darcie T. Kelly with guest voices Eden Branscombe and Michelle Ducasse Season 1 Episode 7

Welcome to Story Time with Darcie! 
In every episode, I read you a piece of my own short fiction. I’m an eclectic writer, so you may be surprised by the genres and situations, but what these stories have in common is their exploration of big ideas. 

Happy July! Happy Canada Day! Happy Summer! 

This is the seventh episode of Story Time With Darcie! I started this podcast in January on a whim. I didn’t honestly expect it to last this long, but I sure am glad it has! I’ve learned so much through this project; mostly audio editing (I didn’t even know what program to record with at the beginning, much less how to edit audio), but the process has also shown me my stories from a new perspective, one that has strengthened my writing and editing. 

As July is also my birthday month, today I’m reading Fulfillment Office, a little tale that dances on the wind about a birthday wish. 

Please join me in welcoming two new voices to the pod: Eden Branscombe (yes, another of my nieces) and Michelle Ducasse (my best friend of 30 years!) Thank you, ladies! Having your involved makes this story even more special to me. 

And without further ado, let’s hear today’s story …

Well, that’s it for today’s short episode of Story Time with Darcie. Special thanks to Eden and Michelle for sharing their vocal talents. I love you both!

Listeners, if YOU would like to become a voice on Story Time With Darcie, please, reach out! My eclectic stories need a variety of voices, and yours will be a welcome addition!

Thank you for listening. To read more of my stories and perhaps inspire my next one, join me on facebook at DarcieTKelly. And of course, subscribe on your podcatcher of choice for future episodes of Story Time With Darcie

Until next month, stay well and keep smiling.

Direct Link to text version of Fulfillment Office.